About the Northwest Homesteaders

The writer and amateur wannabe photographer of the family.

The Husband 
Truthfully, the husband is the brains behind the operation. He enjoys cooking, gardening, fishing, hunting, and just being outdoors. He’s shy, so he doesn’t get his name used.

Wyatt is a 10-month old yellow lab. His favorite things are eating, destroying boxes, cuddling with the humans, and harassing the chickens inside their run.

Butters is a 2 year old Americauana. She is a special kind of chicken. Frankly, she’s like more of a dog than a chicken. She follows you around the yard, wants to come inside the house, and even jumps into your lap in exchange for peanuts.

Sara is a 2 year old Barnevelder. She has always been the runt of the flock. She’s terrified of people, and the world in general. She has a tendency to go broody, but it’s unclear if she’s fit to be a bother. She has already proved her ability to win a gold medal in the Chicken Flying Olympics, after sailing over the fence into a briar of blackberry bushes, then doing a 100-yard dash to a neighboring rooftop. And in case you are wondering how many people it takes to catch a runaway chicken, the answer is 4 people, 2 nosey neighbors, an animal control officer, and one giant fishing net.

Tina is a 2 year old Americauna. Between her beard and crooked tail, she’s quite the looker. She’s very friendly, and our best layer.

Whitney is a 2 year old Barnevelder. She is by far our largest chicken. She’s not too keen on human interaction but is happy to tolerate it in exchange for food.